(id_007) PVA slime sticky
by Juliette Collas, Philomena Theuretzbacher
Recipe Distributed under a CC-BY license: feel free to use and modify while citing the original source.
Ingredients 1L water 80g PVA (polyvinyl alcohol type 26-88 S) 100 ml hot water 0.5g Borax 10g Salt 5g sodium carbonate (baking soda)
preparation 1. heat water and slowly whisk in PVA-powder just before boiling 2. boil for about 3 minutes and let cool 3. dissolve borax,salt and soda in 100mL of water 4. mix borax solution and PVA-solution 5. stirr until texture changes
cleaning: slime can be removed off smooth surfaces with a silicone bladed squeegee, for stubborn patches use citric acid or vinegar to dissolve the slime first
disposal: small amounts can be disposed of by treating with vinegar and then flushing it, greater amounts should be disposed of properly by contacting your local garbage disposal company
sticky clear slime, starts incorporating air bubbles